What Death looks like

This story from “The Australian” newspaper talks about a Brithish documentary that was seen on TV a couple days ago. The name of the documentary is My Feotus, and it shows footage of actual abortions in the 4th, 10th, 11th, and 21rst weeks. A couple quotes from the story are:

When I interviewed a doctor about the unpleasantness of performing late abortions it was difficult to listen and not believe it was morally wrong….

I swallowed. I didn’t want to say it, but the word ‘murder’ came to my lips…

Both quotes are from pro-choice advocates. My question is, if you conscience is telling you that something is morally wrong then why arn’t you listening to it. Especially if the action in “question” is the possible murder of another human being. I have a hard time not seeing abortion as the slavery issue of the 21st century. That thing we all know is wrong, but, darn it, it sure makes our lives easier.