Gtk vs. Qt

Linux developers have argued the benefits of any given language/toolkit sense the beginning of time.  One of the oldest debates is between Gnome/KDE.  As anyone who knows me (or reads this blog) can tell you I have a strong attraction to KDE because of its design strength and flexibility.  However I was not always a KDE fan.  I started as a Gnome user/developer when I first began on Linux.  At the time I thought Linux’s development tools (through my Gnome/Gtk experience) were pretty bad; but were getting better. 

Then, one day, I discovered KDE/QT and have never regretted the decision.  I went from thinking that Linux development was harder/worse than Win32 development to realizing that Linux/KDE/QT development was better than ANYTHING else out there.  Think that C#/.NET is nice?  .NET is a giant leap forward in Win32 development, but still way behind QT/KDE development!  Any who, I found a couple articles that I read, back in “the day”, that helped me decided to give KDE/QT a try and I wanted to pass them along.

  • Toolkit Comparison — Compare Gtk to QT.  Its my experience that that 30% numbers specified are VERY conservative.
  • Why I Left Gtkmm — Comments concerning one of the “better” C++ toolkits for Gnome.
  • Gtkmm vs. Qt — Same author as above, more comments and responses to Gtkmm apologists.
  • Why Qt — Third article by said author.  Random thoughts about his project, Gnome, KDE, Gtk+, Qt, C, and C++.
  • More Qt — kuro5hin article on Qt.
  • Why Program for KDE — Dispels some of the more popular KDE myths.