KDE development for non-programmers

If you are not a programmer but still want to help out with KDE development there are lots of things you can do.  This tutorial is the first in a new series to do just that.  It teaches non-programmers how to add “What’s this” support where its lacking.  Just think about… submitting patches and updating applications just like a full blown programmer.  Its a great (and needed) way of becomming a KDE developer.

BSD License and VAULT changes

bsd hurts oss progress is a great article that I intend to write a summary of my opinions on later. There is gonna be a general change to how I use VAULT. I will be posting more links, random quotes, and short thoughts as I go through the day. I am guessing this will turn VAULT into more of a scrapbook than a weblog, but its really more useful to me this way soo…