Surrender Hope all… wait, is that Snow?

I actually shed a tear yesterday.  Jason accomplished what I thought would never happen.  Liz (his beautiful and yet amazingly stubborn wife) went shooting for the first time.  Though she had never before shot a gun, non of us doubted Liz’s shooting abilities.  Mostly because I was already throughly convinced that she could kill any one of us, at any time, with anything she chose to use.

Hope you had a good time Liz! This finally proves, once and for all, that… “Guns don’t kill people. Liz kills people!”

Mail Server on OpenSuse

Quick link to a mail server install that I have been working on for a client. These are simply some notes on getting SMMP, cyrus-sasl, Postfix, and POP3 working with SSL. The information also includes creating public key certificates and signing them. The intended platform is OpenSuse 10.2

The notes are based on a article titled The Perfect Setup: OpenSuSE 10.2.

Public and Private… Parts.

I constantly forget how to setup a shared key environment for OpenSSH. It is pretty easy to find a tutorial on The Linux Documentation Project or How-To Forge but why do that when I can just have one here for me to find. This is a quick-and-dirty example of generating public and private keys, using shared-key authentication, and configuring an SSH agent. Eventually I will write a kde-agent so you don’t have to use the gnome one… but that is for another post.

JBoss and OpenSuse

JBoss is the worlds most popular (and least complex) J2EE server. Recently I wrote a tutorial on getting JBoss working on OpenSuse 10.2 for a client of mine. The tutorial is NOT complete because the packages built by JPackage are primarily intended for Redhat systems (even though they are suppose to be distribution agnostic.) I will update it, in a couple days, with the changes I applied to get it working but I thought someone might find the information useful enough in its present form.

Drink Up

I have added a section to VAULT Stuff. My wife and I like wine, but we have a tendancy to forget which ones we like and which ones we have had. I started using a program called Tellico to manage collection lists. One of the options it has is to generate reports and because KDE is network transparent (it saves files over ftp, ssh, smb, nfs, etc.. as if they were local) I can automatically save these reports to the website. Hope someone finds these useful… but if you don’t, I do.