The future of filesystems is not Microsoft’s WinFS (no longer an actual filesystem but instead an API built on top of NTFS) or even IBM’s mainframe lineage XFS. Instead a Linux filesystem known as Reiser4 is poised to change the way we think about computer technology. Check out’s interview with Hans Reiser, the creator of Reiser4. Reiser4’s speed looks to be nothing short of revolutionary. Add to it a plugin-able architecture that allows unheard of functionality to take place in filesystem space and you get what could be the most disruptive filesystem technology to be seen sense the advent of the modern computer.
Month: September 2005
Deny Anti-Secure
Marcus Ranum has listed , in his opinion, the six dumbest ideas as releated to computer security. Not everything on the list is as intuitive as one might guess. Overall its a great rant about how we shold frame the computer security debate.
Where X is
Jon Smirl has posted this article on the current state of Linux Graphics. It basically tracks the technologies and limitations of the current form of X, based on the coming 7 codebase. While X provides an amazing number of features, ones that are not available on any other platform, is has huge limitation when it comes to 3D support. While these limitation are notacible, they also provide a significant opportunity X and Linux.
Tools of the Trade
I am always google searching for this list. The top 75 security tools, based on a survey of the nmap mailing list, consistently points out some of the most powerful security tools available on any platform. While there are obvious “newby” entries (i.e. SuperScan and Zone Alarm) overall insecure’s catalog is probably the most solid you will find on the public Internet.
If you build it
I am working on building Linux From Scratch to use as a learning experience for another side project of mine. While reviewing it I ran across this tutorial on setting up LFS. The same site also has Part II and Part III (titled “Beyond Linux from Scratch”) that extends of the original tutorial. Even after all the years I have been developing on Linux; the idea of building an entire OS from source seems pretty amazing.
Want to keep your current job forever? Concerned that some out-sourced pimple faced teenager will replace you? Then you simply need to get creative about how you write your code. Having had to maintain other people’s programs… I can attest to the accuracy of this article. In fact, its my guess that most programmers must already be familiar with it, based solely on my evaluation of most program documentation.
…and I have GOT to memorize that Latin phrase.
You don’t have to be a freak
Economics provides some of the most powerful tools for data analysis available to society. Yet historically these tools have been used almost exclusively in the realm of finance and business decision support. Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner talks about the work of Steven Levitt, one of the most respected economists alive. Levitt uses economic models and data analysis tools to find answers to some of societies most interesting questions.
I enjoyed this book enough to read through it in one sitting, in one night. And I strongly recommend that anyone with interest in socio-political issues read it. Freakonomics will make you take a second look at what you though was common sense. However, the book does have its notable shortcomings.
First, this book is little more than an extended version of the newspaper article by Stephen Dubner on Levitt’s work. If you are familiar with the article there is little reason to buy the book. Second, the book covers almost nothing about economic method. As such it leaves itself open to more criticism that it generally deserves. Third, Freakonomics is definitely dumbed down to make it readable (and probably profitable) to a wider audience. However, the lack of technicality makes the book an enjoyable weekend read and may even encourage the reader into a greater interest in economics and its usefulness.
OpenSuse is Alive
The OpenSUSE project is really starting to look exciting to me. With the recent release of Beta4 we are just 9 days away from the first release candidates of OpenSUSE 10.
One of the first difficulties of any Linux distribution is package management. Fedora uses Yum (not bad), Kubuntu uses apt (great!), Suse uses Yast (not good.) Yast was fully capable of doing everything the other package managers were but it suffered from two problems. 1) The newest version of Suse never had online packages available; 2) Older versions were really slow and pretty buggy. Steady progress on problem #2 has been going on since the 9.x releases, to the point were Yast is pretty nice to work with. Problem #1 was solved… with the creation of OpenSUSE.
So here are a couple of useful links for getting Yast working with online package repositories. A tutorial on setting up Yast; and the locations of OpenSUSE repositories.
Manage mod_perl
I am getting a pretty big thread bug in my mod_perl/apache setup. It seems to have started when I began using the new credit card server. Looking for some tips on mod_perl administration (to help with debugging) I found this link and this link. Both of which are part of the online mod_perl Guide.