Quick links to some Fedora repositories that I have been using on multiple machines. For the last four years I have been using OpenSuse on my primary systems, but dumb decision after dumb decision has made it too frustrating for server use. I don’t know how Windows users do it but I find it amazingly frustrating having to use one system for my desktop and another for my servers, so it is Fedora 16 all around.
- Adobe Flash Repo — Hosted Fedora rpm’s for Adobe Flash. Because we all need to to watch YouTube clips of the evolution of dance.
- Fedora Project Third Party Repository List — Fedora keeps a list of approved third party repos. The list is basically required for a truly complete Linux distribution.
- RpmFusion — A uber useful repository made from the combined efforts of three of the best RPM repositories Fedora ever had; Dribble, FreshRPMS, and Livna.
- Livna — Yes, yes, I know I just said that RpmFusion combined the efforts of Livna; but for legal reason there was a single package that could not be included in RpmFusion. Livna has stayed in existence for distribution of this single package and maintains compatibility with both the RpmFusion repos and the primary Fedora repos.
- nodejs — Fedora repository linking to primary node.js and Google V8 packages. Node.js is a JavaScript platform built on Google’s Chrome JavaScript runtime. This allows you to build JavaScript files as locally executable applications the same way you would Python or Perl.
- Google Apps — There are actually links to popular Google applications (Map, Chrome, etc.) The rpm packages, when installed, actually add their remote repositories to your yum list for future updates.