I am starting to believe that in the Poettering household, simplicity was considered a cancer that must be tortured and destroyed with extreme vigor. Systemd is quickly becoming thoroughly ubiquitous in Linux systems everywhere. While Systemd tries to do everything for everybody (it is supposed to eventually replace sysvinit, chkconfig, automount, logging, cron, and a whole host of other things) ultimately the primary intent of Systemd is to speed up the boot process. It does this job exceedingly well. This concern about boot time is a direct response to the speed of which other Unix based OSes boot and reference material even explicitly points to Apple as a reference.
That said, sysvinit did have one thing going for it… IT WAS SIMPLE. Heck, just getting a list of available services is a pain in the ass now and generally requires looking up documentation just to remember how to do it. Simple actions in systemd are annoyingly complex with a cheat sheet that looks like it was written by a Perl regular expression programmer on acid. I will be the first to admit that systemd-analyze plot is pretty awesome and, considering that systemd was designed by the same guy who created PulseAudio, we should probably be thankful that it isn’t even MORE complex. But still, something just seems wrong about using an all-for-everything program on an OS that was designed to be simple and efficient.