Oh hell.. I just found Nethack

(Un?)fortunately I just recently discovered the joys of Nethack.  The original RPG.  Possibly the greatest game of all time.  Actually the version I play is called Nethack Falconseye . Its a OpenGL version that simply translates the ascii to images… thus its 100% identical to Nethack but has pretty graphics (and allows the use of a mouse.) This makes it look a lot like Diablo.

So you ask “why would this be unfortunate?”  An unknown USENET poster answers the question better than I can:

Thank you for the latest release of gradewrecker. My GPA just went in the corner and shot itself.
— USENET posting, author unknown

That just about rexplains it! For a good description of why Nethack rules check out this review in the gamespy hall of fame.  If I don’t post for a couple of days you now know why.