Two articles from The American Enterprise discussing the slow decline of U.S. and European ties and how they relate to the differences in our economies. The first article (Europe’s Not Working) covers the failure of European style socio-progressive economic model. The second article (Europe Learns the Wrong Lessons) covers the failure of Europe to accurately identify the solution to their current economic crisis.
In addition to pointing out some of the serious flaws in continental European democracy, the articles are especially interesting in their analysis of Europe’s reaction to such failure. Iraq is not the only reason for Europe to feel frustrated with the U.S. While many of us in the states are continually led to believe (mostly from institutional academia) that our form of capitalism and democracy is inferior in every way to the European model; the reality is quite different. Europe’s excessive social progressivism has lead to a standard of living some 40% below U.S. levels and unemployment rates in the double digits.
While the problem is easily identifiable to those who are on the outside of the European economic socialist mind-set; it requires a paradigm sift for those who are comfortable with the welfare state. The solution is as straightforward; implement a more American/Asian model capitalist environment. Dozens of successful examples exist (Ireland being the closes to home for Europe.) Unfortunately, Europe seems dead-set on continuing down the failed course it has begun; at least for the foreseeable future.