The Dark Side

Once you travel down the path, forever will it dominate your destiny.  I am actually going to post some information useful for working with Windows!  I never thought I would see the day but here I am and here it is.

While I am absolutely positive that everyone else in the world is already familiar with this command; I just discovered it. From the Windows Run command type “msconfig” to get a list of processes that start on boot and initialization information.  Also check out Autoruns.  It’s a tool for removing startup applications (and other software) that doesn’t respond to “normal” removal techniques, ala qttask.exe…)

2 thoughts on “The Dark Side”

  1. The Dark Side…
    For the record? which provided autoruns and a multitude of other handy windows tools was purchased this past summer. Wanna guess who bought ’em? Yes, Microsoft…but the tools are still free. For now.


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