Any of you who have started using OpenSuse regularly, are probably familiar with the SMART package manager. SMART is very similar to apt and yum (thankfully it closer to apt in both speed and intelligence.) The SMART link above points to a susewiki article telling you how to install and configure SMART. Suse uses yast (great for system configuration but god awful for package management) and as such it takes some work to get SMART running. The article is fairly straightforward; so I decided to make it easier to do by creating a shell script to do the work for you. simply needs to be downloaded, made executable (chmod 755, and run from the command line as root (su -c ./ Answer yes to any questions and your done. Here is what you will get: a working SMART setup, the default package repositories, a KDE service menu for any RPM packages, a system tray applet to monitor for package updates, and a working SMART GUI for installing new applications.
Currently the script works for Suse 10.2 on 64bit and 32bit systems. I will add more Suse versions if there seems to be interest.
Thanks Bob, works like a champ.