Here is a dump of my home computers bookmark folder.
- Version Control with Subversion — The subversion… ahhh.. version… of the now infamous CVS bible “Open Source Development with CVS“. Sure to be a classic as well.
- Writing Shell Scripts — A really handy online guide to writing bash scripts. Topics include command usage, programming, flow control, input/output, etc..
- University Podcast Collection — a listing of all the free podcasts from major universities. Presented by Open Culture. Might as well get smarter while listening to your iPod.
- 55 CSS Techniques — a great list of useful css tools for web development. Rounded corners, drop shadows, and no-image tabs; just to name a few
- DTI Data — The industry leader for data recovery. No cheap, but easily the best. They also provide a couple limited free tools for personal data recovery. Don’t ask why I needed to post this link.
- 99 Lisp Programs –because Lisp is so cool and examples are the best way to learn. Great for developers with no Lisp experience.
- Web Pages that Suck — a list of the most common web design mistakes.
- 202OK — Several thousand online books. Split out by subject.