Got a couple links I have been meaning to post.
- Coding Style – Is a post by Linus Torvalds about the success of Linux and why it should not be underestimated. The same explaination could be used to describe the success of capitalism.
- Timevault – HowToForge article on getting desktop snapshots on Linux using Timevault. It’s Gnome/Ubuntu specific but still worth the read.
- Ubuntu upgrade cycle and KDE – Is the initial article in hotly debated online discussion about the place of KDE in the Ubuntu world. I posted this for reference and not because I agree with the author, Stephen Shankland.
- Webmin HowTo – Article discusses configuration and installation of Webmin, the most comprehensive web management utility in existence (for any OS.) Webmin has been around for a long time and is an amazing management tool.
- 20 Entrepreneurial Quotes – Just like the title says. A very nice list of inspirational quotes for the self motivated.
- KWord Tips and Tricks – KWord is a word processing application for the KDE desktop enviroment. It is lightweight, fast, and has some functionality that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the Open Source world. A nice little howto for some of its features.
- KDE vs Gnome – Another in the long list of vs articles between KDE and Gnome.
- Getting Quickfind Fixed – If you have ever used Firefox’s QuickFind, then you can appreciate this fix. If you haven’t used it, they you should really try it out.
- Donald Knuth – This is just the wikipedia article on Donald Knuth. I have been reading some of his papers and wanted to reference his wikipedia bio.