We forfeit three-fourths of ourselves in order to be like other people.
–Arthur Schopenhauer
I had an insane couple days last week and never got around to posting these links.
- 101 Desing Patterns — GREAT link. This website provides a list of common application development design patters and includes sudo code, flowcharts, and full process descriptions. A computer programmers best friend.
- Linux Commands — A list of 77 Linux command line applications. A surprising number of them I didn’t know. Check out cmp and od.
- Linux Home File Server — A Linux Journal article on building your own home file server on the cheep with Linux. You can configure NFS, Window File Shares, web management, FTP/HTTP access, and tons of useful file server stuff; all will old hardware you have lying around. I have two of these in my house (that I configured without this article) but this is a good tutorial for those who haven’t done it before.
Finally, I hope everyone who can, votes tomorrow. In spite of “Change we can believe in” there is really only one candidate that would bring about any meaningful change; and amazingly enough it’s a Republican.