Seti and KDE

I have finished a couple new rpms that are now available in the apt repository.  In what is surely the most “fun” group of packages I have made; I now have a complete a group of Seti@Home rpms for KDE!

  • setiathome-3.08 -Is the setiathome executable.
  • ksetiwatch-2.6.1 -Is a taskbar applet/application that allows you monitor your seti client from inside KDE
  • ksetisaver-0.3.2 -Is a KDE screensaver with star charts and and LCARS look & feel.

The setiathome client is a command-line application, but here are some pics of ksetiwatch and ksetisaver.  Thanks to Charles R. Anderson for his work on the original ksetisaver RPM.  Because setiathome is kinda funny (it puts its configuration files in the same directory as where the binary is called from), here is my recommendation for installing them:

Install the setiathome rpm.  Then as your main user do:

mkdir ~/.setiathome
echo ‘#!/bin/sh’ > ~/.setiathome/setiathome
echo ‘/usr/bin/setiathome’ >> ~/.setiathome/setiathome
chmod 755 ~/.setiathome/setiathome

After that just make sure you point ksetisaver and ksetiwatch to user “~/.setiathome/setiathome” instead of the executable directly. You can also use kcron  to set up a cron job (crontab -e does the same thing) every four hours or so.  If setiathome is running the cron job will have no effect but if its not running it will restart it.

What a great way to start the holiday weekend.