What to eat

RecipeSource is a website devoted entirely to recipes. Had a pretty good hot sauce recipe. I am always looking for food recipes.. pretty good search function too.

My wife found a good way find food to cook with what we already have in the house. She puts the list of ingredents in google. Works amazingly well.

NPR missed this?

Censored 2004 is a report of the 25 least reported (but most important) news stories of the year. The news stories mentioned were, of course, not actually censored but more precisely downplayed or under-reported. The “value” of the importance of the news stories (and thereby the overall determination that the news stories were “under-reported”) comes from the founders of the project: Sonoma State University (a small Liberal Arts college located in California.)

Its an interesting read, and there were several interesting articles although I am sure most of you can guess the political slant of the project.  Good stuff, but it totally fails to meet any semblance of political neutrality (…like anyone expected to see it in a liberal arts college in California.)

More Jeep

Web Jeeping is another online used jeep dealer I found and have been looking at. Some other useful Jeep links are Jeep Engines which does performance rebuilding of Jeep engines, and Used Parts (I will let you guess what you can get there.) If anyone knows of some really good online Jeep dealers (that sell CJ’s) drop me a message please.

KDE Power

The KDE Developers conference was held a couple weeks ago and the slides and presentations from that event are now available here. I make note of them because of a particular interest in the status of Kdevelop and the Makfile.am howto for kconfigure.

Vault KM

Passing along another couple links.  First I have made a small change to the site.  I have added a web tools sidebar filled with some useful web knowledge tools. They include two mailing list links; one too The mail Archive and the other too Geocrawler. All the links are wonderfully useful and commonly used by myself.

Perl and RPM: together at last

Holy crap!  I have found what has to be just dang near one of the most useful websites in history.  rpmpan combines two of the most used aspects of my development world.  RPM and Perl CPAN.  The dang thing is even apt aware!  God must freggin love me.

In additional news another great apt source that I found is jpackage. Jpackage is an apt repository for rpm based distro’s that works to keep copies of the mostly commonly sought after Java apts in one location.  Very very nice.  When they are up.

Learning Linux

I am looking to take the RHCT in late September and as such have been keeping my eyes open for tutorials to study. 

One of the best links I found was RHCE 2 B an RHCE prep site with several useful tutorials. It looks like the best RHCE prep book available currently is this one, and although they are not RHCE tutorials; IBM has been running a series of tests for the LPI certification that seems to cover much of the same material.  I have copied the articles (in pdf form) locally:

This should keep me busy over the weekend.