Tell me what you really think.

Thursday afternoon humor.  Boy some of these are really funny.

This car just looks terrible; it looks like it was designed by a blind child with arthritis. In a coma. Whoever chose the color scheme for this car was probably asked to do so at gun point, because I don’t think it’s possible to choose two uglier colors.
–maddox description of the Honda Element.

KDE development for non-programmers

If you are not a programmer but still want to help out with KDE development there are lots of things you can do.  This tutorial is the first in a new series to do just that.  It teaches non-programmers how to add “What’s this” support where its lacking.  Just think about… submitting patches and updating applications just like a full blown programmer.  Its a great (and needed) way of becomming a KDE developer.

What a s/dog/babe/

Ever wonder exactly what air brushing does to photos of models?  How does the before image compare the the after image?  How pretty do you really need to be to make it as a fashion model in an “air brush” world.  Check out this little eye opener and see.

News that leans is a conservative news and commentary website I found today.  I am generally socially liberal and economically conservative (with the exception of a few important issues.)  Found the site interesting enough to want to go back and read more articles.  With all of the liberal bias in the media it was nice to read some news articles that were slanted the other way.

A bold new File system

Application developers on Linux have been looking with great interest at the upcoming Reiser4 file system developed by Hans Reiser.  Although there is a great number of currently supported file systems on Linux (some better than others, some better at other things than some…) Reiser goes along way in fixing one of the most persistent bugs in file system theory; that of handling small file efficiently.

A great article discussing some of the possibilities that become possible with the Reiser4 can be found  here.  The longer I work with computers the more I am convinced of the accuracy of *nix style OS development.  Microsoft seems to agree also; with recent moves to extend the command line, create a command line only server OS, change the way the system looks at data (that of all file/folders/devices/drivers being objects), etc.. etc.. etc..  Heck, given enough time and money Microsoft will invent…. Unix!

KDE Stats

For those who follow KDE development there is a GREAT page for analysis of the current KDE project here. Includes information concerning code, modules, commiters and does both statistic and graphic evaluation.