ODBC OO.org and MySQL

Working to get OO.org Database configuration working with MySQL using ODBC gave me a little bit of a headache.  I have decided to pass along the info I found and used. 

First is a two part article at LinuxWorld ( Part 1 & Part 2 ) which helped a whole bunch in getting ODBC and MySQL setup.  A HUGE help was the how-to by Mr. McCreesh referred to in both part1 and part 2; of which I have linked locally (pdf 1.5m) for everyones convenience.  Finally I last little bit-o-trouble was given to me by MyODBC and I found the solution on a groups.google.com post.

All of this was to do OpenOffice.org work with databases on forms in a post I made earlier.

School Issues

A discussion in the Christian Science Monitor talks about the benefits (in the opinion of the author) of same sex schools.  Recently I have seen several studies that not only point to some value for same sex schools but seem to confirm a long held belief that they most strongly benefit females by providing a safer and less “competitive” environment to learn in.

I actually graduated from a same sex catholic high school and although I did not necessarily enjoy it; it was very easy to see that it was an immensely beneficial environment to some of the students who attended it.  I don’t necessarily believe that it is  the job of public school systems to encourage “separate but equal” based on sex (the opportunity for abuse is simply to great), but I definitely think that such an environment can be very useful for some individual learning capabilities.  The best way to make such an opportunity available to low income students would be to widely implement a vouchers program.  This would give students the opportunity to attend same sex schools, magnet schools, private schools, religious schools, or give parents who choose to home school their children some much needed help.

The opportunities for improving or educational system are too great to ignore the benefits that same sex schools could bring.

US Courts and Foreign Cases

USA Today has a great article talking about the most recent ruling concerning gay sex laws in the US.  The problem that is pointed out is not the fact that gay sexy laws were stuck down (a positive development in my opinion) but that the Supreme Court decided to reference foreign law as a justification for the decision.

This is a problem that strikes at the very heart of the seventy of the US.  I am personally very concerned about the continuing trend of global rule that seems to be becoming more prevalent in the world scene.  History has taught us that diversity creates strength by limiting the amount of influence bad decisions (and for that matter good decisions) have on  a society.

It is therefor important to the US to continue to make decisions that are in  the best interest of the United States (and for France, Germany, China to make the decisions in the best interest of France, Germany, and China) because it will ensure a certain amount of diversity among the countries of the world.

Oh hell.. I just found Nethack

(Un?)fortunately I just recently discovered the joys of Nethack.  The original RPG.  Possibly the greatest game of all time.  Actually the version I play is called Nethack Falconseye . Its a OpenGL version that simply translates the ascii to images… thus its 100% identical to Nethack but has pretty graphics (and allows the use of a mouse.) This makes it look a lot like Diablo.

So you ask “why would this be unfortunate?”  An unknown USENET poster answers the question better than I can:

Thank you for the latest release of gradewrecker. My GPA just went in the corner and shot itself.
— USENET posting, author unknown

That just about rexplains it! For a good description of why Nethack rules check out this review in the gamespy hall of fame.  If I don’t post for a couple of days you now know why.

The Majority of Life

In what seems like a serious blow to the pro-choice movement, a recent poll is finding that pro-life women have become the majority in the U.S.  What is most interesting is the group that did the study:

The New York-based center that sponsored the survey is a nonpartisan advocacy group for pro-choice women’s rights. The center’s president, Faye Wattleton, headed the Planned Parenthood Federation of America for 14 years.

To be absolutely honest with you I am not entirely surprised.  It was a popular myth during the early 90’s that “abortion is not allowed in the third trimester.”  WIth the recent attention paid to late term abortions (all the way through the ninth month), along with the recent conversion of Norma McCorvey (Roe of Roe v Wade;) women are beginning to realize the ignorance of calling abortion of privacy issue. 

Model M

The greatest keyboards ever created are the IBM model M’s!  This is not an opinion but an absolute fact to almost anyone who calls themselves a computer “hacker”. This article explains why.  I have several and let me tell you.. they are wonderful.  The nice part is that you can still get them at eBay for around 10 bucks!

Freedom for Blogs

Good news for anyone who runs a weblog. Wired is  reporting that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (no jokes please) has ruled that bloggers get protection from libel (did ya know I have a blog) because they are redistributing information for the purpose of discussion; not for profit.  With all of the bad rulings that come out of the Ninth, its nice to see them make an intelligent decision once in a while.

Big Guns

It looks like the US is hard a work developing next-gen weapons.  This article from the guardian talks about next generation global reach weapons including drones and space based weapons.  This kind of important development is the stuff that our military will be doing in the future.  Better defense for our nation.  The best benefit is described in the first paragraph of the article:

Allies to become less important as new generation of weapons enables America to strike anywhere from its own territory

These kind of developments have a tendency to cause uproars from the global community. This is unfortunate as they shouldn’t cause concern for our allies.  Terrorists and countries that support terrorism are something else entirely.

Trusted Computing

This article from the New York Times does a pretty good job of discussing a software initiative that has many of us computer enthusiasts fairly concerned. Fundamentally it involved changing the way a computer works to “force” system conformity for content distribution. A good summary of what makes this a concern can be found in the article itself.

“Microsoft’s use of the term `trusted computing’ is a great piece of doublespeak,” said Dan Sokol, a computer engineer based in San Jose, Calif., who was one of the original members of the Homebrew Computing Club, the pioneering PC group. “What they’re really saying is, `We don’t trust you, the user of this computer.’ “

Fundamentally this “security” initiative requires that users give up a serious portion of the control they have over a computer and transfer that control to a third party (i.e. Microsoft.) Read the article and decide for yourself if it is a good thing.


I have a fairly extensive list of quotes that I have collected over the years. I may try to setup a way to post them other than simply putting out another post, but till that time happens let me share one:

“…peace is the highest aspiration of the American People. We will negotiate for it, sacrifice for it, we will never surrender for it, now or ever.”
-Ronald Reagan

Hope you enjoy.