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kdexecutor is a record and playback tool for Qt and KDE applications.  It allows for “pre-scripted” automation of GUI applications by remembering the events that are executed within your application.  Its a wonderfully useful tool for developing and testing Qt and KDE programs.  There is even a free version for GPL’ed KDE development; and it works on all platforms Qt works on.

Jeep Repair

I have been working on 1985 CJ7 and realized I was in dire need to some resources for my vehicle.  Here are some of the more useful links I have found.

Hope someone else finds these resources useful. I am still on the lookout for more Jeep tutorials, so stay tuned.

Tuesday Morning Dump

Pork Tornado is  running a list of the 10 worst album covers of all time.  They range from sad and pathetic to downright disturbing.  My favorite is “Devastatin’ Dave (The Turntable Slave)” and his epic work “Zip Zap Rap.”

If you have a spare computer laying around here is are step-by-step instructions on getting Looking Glass working on a Linux box.  Project Looking Glass is an open source 3D interface being developed by Sun. The project looks promising but has a long way to go.

Usage Stats

On a regular basis I am asked market share questions.  This is mostly in relation to software usage and is used to make application development decisions.  Two of the best (or most commonly quoted) usage statistics sites are w3schools and Google’s zeitgeist.  Either source has their strengths and weaknesses; but combined they make for a very useful informational tool. 

While I am on the topic of market share IDC has predicted that Linux has moved into the number 2 slot on the desktop OS market.  Today the Mac, tomorrow the world…

Free iPod

I hate marketing gimmick referer sites because they (almost?!) never work. I am kicking myself now because I could have registered a month ago and a friend of my actually got his iPod in the mail today. So here is my freeipod referer link. Please sign up, get an iPod, and get me MY iPod.

Software for Dummies

There is a great article by Thomas Sowell of It talks about the tendency of software to become more difficult as it becomes more feature rich. Its a great analysis of the problems that come with bad UI design. As I have mentioned 100x before… more features DO NOT equal an increase in complexity if (and here is the kicker) your application is designed well with intelligent defaults. Making your software less functional is not the solution, good UI design is.

RPM Tools

Got a list of RPM tools I need to remember:

  • Rpmlint – Spec file validation.
  • Rust – Gui rpm builder, command line spec file generation, and build chroot enviroment.
  • RPM-Specfile – Build rpms, spec files, src.rpms from perl tarballs.
  • RPM2 – A perl module for accessing, querying, and modifying rpm packages and databases.